The Emergence of Digital-First Retail
What does "digital-first" really mean?
Digital is the "front door" of discovery to your brand, your products and your stores.
Scott talks about:
- How does a retail organization become "digital-first"?
- Constructing your online product assortment first.
- Refining your store assortment from your broader online offer.
- Pair down your online offer to fit the store footprint, location, and demographics.
- Digital marketing drives your brand through all channels
Attributes of the Winning Omnichannel Supplier Team
Major retailers are transforming into modern omnichannel businesses.
Understanding the key to success is critical for world-class supplier teams to maintain and grow their business with top retailers.
Scott talks about:
- The strategic framework for top suppliers to assess their teams
- The role of data-driven insights in growing business results
- The importance of approach the business with an omnichannel mindset.
- How Planning & Execution are more important than ever.
- Managing the back office details and driving sales growth go hand in hand.
- Solutions for developing a world class team.
Solution Selling in Modern Retail
Solution Selling is a sales methodology where a salesperson holistically considers a customer's needs, so they can recommend specific products and services that best accommodate their interests, desires, problems, and concerns.
Challenges and Benefits in Modern Retail
Scott talks about:
- Siloed Data
- One-Click Purchase
- "Item" vs. "Solution" depictions online
- In-Store & Online Browse and Purchase Data
- Dynamic Personalization technology
- Higher revenue, greater loyalty and customer satisfaction
Building the Digital-First Omnichannel Organization
Building the digital-first omnichannel organization is a new retail imperative for retailers and consumer brands alike
The modern retail consumer is changing...
Scott talks about:
- Lines between digital and physical retail are blurring.
- Consumers increasingly research in one channel and buy in another.
- Consumers who shop across channels are the most valuable.
- Retailers and Consumer Brands have dedicated siloed teams that focus on each channel.
Academic & Industry Partnership in the Next Generation of Retail
Beyond internship programs, the collaboration between retail and academia is limited...and that needs to change.
What do universities offer students to gain recruitment into areas like retailing?
Scott talks about:
- The need for greater dialog between employers and educators.
- Deeper involvement by retail leaders in academia.
- The advocation for careers in retail to high school students.
- The need for partnership in mapping skills needed for the leaders of retail's future.